Car accidents involving Lyft drivers can result in serious injuries. If you were hurt by a negligent driver, you could be entitled to compensation. This financial compensation could cover your financial losses caused by the accident and address the physical and emotional trauma of the crash as well.
It could be possible to recover compensation from the driver, their insurance company, or even policies paid for by Lyft. Doing so can be challenging when you serve as your own attorney. Let a Massachusetts Lyft accident lawyer help you maximize your monetary recovery following a collision.
What Damages Might Be Available?
The damages in your case are unique to any other Lyft accident. Your potential recovery is based on the financial, emotional, and physical losses you experienced in the crash. The value of your case is determined by combining all of the types of compensation you could be entitled to.
These damages fall into two different categories: economic and non-economic compensation. Economic damages cover your out-of-pocket expenses with the goal of returning you to the financial position you found yourself in prior to the Lyft accident. Non-economic damages are subjective, covering things like your pain or disfigurement.
Medical Bills
Medical bills are often the primary type of economic loss in a Lyft accident. Any emergency treatment following a collision can be costly, and expenses can grow substantially when long-term care is involved. You could recover the full cost of your medical care through a successful injury case.
Lost Wages
Lost wages are also economic damages. Any time a person is injured in a Lyft accident, they face the possibility of missing work while they recover. Those missed paychecks could have a dramatic impact on your financial situation. Your injury case could replace that lost income.
Property Damage
You might also be entitled to economic damages based on your property losses. If your vehicle sustained damage in the collision, you might be entitled to a monetary award that allows you to repair or replace it.
Pain and Suffering
The most common type of non-economic damages covers your pain and suffering. Pain is subjective, and there is no uniform way to place a dollar value on these claims. However, your pain could result in compensation if it stemmed from an accident caused by a negligent Lyft driver.
Mental Anguish
Another common type of non-economic loss is known as mental anguish. This term is used to describe the emotional strain that follows a traumatic injury. Long after your physical injuries have healed, you could continue to relive the accident. Compensation for this mental anguish could be available if your case is successful.
Will Lyft Pay My Damages?
If you were injured in an accident with a Lyft driver through no fault of your own, the company could indirectly cover your losses. While it is true that you are unlikely to have grounds to sue the company directly, their insurance policies could cover your losses.
Insurance issues following a Lyft accident can be complex. In addition to the policy held by the Lyft driver, the company could also provide coverage. The driver’s policy is considered primary in these accidents, meaning you would have to exhaust those limits first before pursuing a claim against Lyft. However, this is not uncommon given the high expenses related to car accidents.
There are different factors that determine whether or not Lyft will provide coverage in your accident. The most important factor is the extent of involvement the driver has with Lyft at the time of the crash. For example, the coverage offered when the driver has a passenger is much greater than when they do not. When a driver is seeking or transporting a rider, it is known as “driver mode.” Additionally, the presence of a passenger during driver mode is also important.
Driver Mode Is Off
When a driver is not actively seeking riders through the mobile app, they are not considered to be in driver mode. Lyft does not provide additional insurance coverage for drivers not in driver mode.
Driver Mode Is on But There Is No Passenger
Lyft provides some coverage when driver mode is on but a ride has not yet been accepted. In these cases, Lyft offers up to $50,000 in bodily injury coverage per person, $100,000 for bodily injuries per accident, and up to $25,000 for property damage claims.
Driver Mode Is on and a Ride Has Been Accepted
Lyft reserves the highest level of insurance coverage for when a driver has accepted a ride from a paying customer. This level of coverage kicks in as soon as the ride is accepted on the mobile app, and it remains in place until the rider is dropped off at their destination. Lyft provides up to $1 million in coverage for an accident in these cases.
How Could a Lyft Accident Attorney Help?
The aftermath of a Lyft accident can be difficult for anyone—especially those injured in the collision. Thankfully, an attorney could help an injured party pursue justice for their injuries. Some of the ways an attorney could help include:
- Investigating the accident
- Reviewing insurance policy coverage
- Contacting insurance carriers
- Negotiating settlements
- Filing lawsuits
- Advising injury victims of their rights
- Pursuing litigation
It is important that you consider all of your legal options before attempting to resolve a Lyft accident case. Having an attorney guide you could be your best chance for securing the compensation that you need.
Talk to an Attorney About Your Lyft Accident
You are under no obligation to deal with the complexities of a Lyft accident injury case on your own. With the help of an attorney, you could avoid the common pitfalls that can derail injury cases. Letting an attorney guide you as you seek fair compensation could put you in the best position for a favorable outcome.
The team at GED Lawyers is experienced with untangling the complex insurance issues that can follow a Lyft accident. If you are ready to seek compensation for your injuries, a Massachusetts Lyft accident lawyer from our firm is ready to help. Reach out today to learn more during a free consultation.