It is critical that you know how to file a property damage claim properly, because insurance companies may try to deny or underpay your claim. Hiring a lawyer may be the surest way to file your property damage claim properly.
Filing a claim generally involves documenting your damages. You’ll also need to contact the insurance company. However, you’ll want to protect yourself from any errors along the way. A lawyer can keep your claim safe.
Steps in Filing a Property Damage Claim
To file a property damage claim, you’ll generally need to:
- Report the damage to your insurer: While you generally need to do this promptly, you should have time to hire a lawyer before you do so. The insurance company may ask you several questions, and a lawyer can ensure you answer them properly. Even if you choose to report the property damage before you hire a lawyer, you should hire an attorney before the claims process gets underway.
- Secure the damaged area: You want to keep yourself and others safe from a damaged area. Whether you tape or rope the area off, post signs, or provide verbal warning to anyone that encounters the property, make sure that nobody enters the damaged area unless absolutely necessary. This will ensure that nobody tampers with the scene or suffers injuries.
- Document the damage: Whether you’ve suffered damage to a home or another type of property, you’ll want to document the damage. You may take photographs and video of the damage. Documenting your losses may show the insurance company your covered losses in great detail.
- Let an attorney handle the rest: There is no certainty in the claims process. A lawyer will deal with the insurance company, negotiate a settlement, and handle all other aspects of the claims process.
The property insurance claims process can be difficult. You may face a rash of requests from the insurance company. You may even face an unjust denial of your claim. Having already dealt with a major loss, you may not have the will to handle these challenges.
Our firm can lead the claims process for you, so don’t stress.
A Lawyer’s Primary Mission Is Protecting You
Unfortunately, insurance companies generally look out for themselves. This company-first approach can lead to bad-faith insurance claims. Our team will protect you from bad-faith insurance tactics, which may include:
- A rushed evaluation of your claim, which may cause the insurance company to overlook damages
- Pressure for you to accept an unfairly low settlement offer
- Unjust denial of your claim
- Partial coverage of your losses
- Intimidation, manipulation, coercion, and other unethical tactics
We never give in to an insurance company’s agenda. As our client, your financial recovery will be our only concern.
How an Attorney from Our Firm Can Help with Your Property Damage Claim
As the Insurance Information Institute (III) explains, property insurance policies vary in:
- The type of property they cover
- The types of damage they cover
- Specific terms and conditions
Property insurance policies can be complex. Whether you’re seeking coverage for a fire, storm, vandalism, burst pipe, or another damaging event, we’ll determine which coverages you’re entitled to.
Our team can also help you by:
- Learning the ins and outs of your policy: The insurance company won’t be able to lie about the details of your policy. We’ll know everything that your policy says, so we’ll be able to argue the details of your claim effectively.
- Documenting your damages: If you need help documenting your property damages, we can assist you.
- Hiring experts to bolster your claim: Experts can provide objective testimony about your claim. An expert’s word may carry weight and may help you get the financial recovery you deserve.
- Negotiating with the insurance company: We will likely negotiate directly with your insurer. This is the moment where we’ll try to secure the settlement you deserve.
- Taking your case to court, if necessary: We don’t wield the threat of legal action lightly. Your insurer will know that we’re willing to go to court, as we’ve gone to court for many clients before you.
You deserve a lawyer who will go the extra mile for your financial recovery. Our team will.
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer Rather Than Handle My Property Damage Claim on My Own?
Whether the insurance company settles, or we need to proceed to court, our team will be on your side the entire time. Our team will be by your side throughout the life of your claim, providing advice and working on your behalf.
Hiring a lawyer can provide peace of mind. You may be facing great stress already, and the claims process may hit you with even more stress. With our team handling your claim, you may avoid the hardships of the claims process—plus, we’ll work to secure the compensation you deserve.
Call GED Lawyers Today for a Free Consultation About Your Property Damage Claim
Call as soon as you can, as there may be deadlines for reporting your claim. Our team will work diligently to secure fair compensation for you. Focus on getting your life back together, and we’ll deal with the insurers.
Call GED Lawyers today for your free consultation.