Filing any type of claim, including a roof claim, with your homeowner’s policy could lead to an increase in your premiums. Several factors may go into your insurer’s decision to implement a rate increase, including your claims history and your credit score. Your insurance agent can clarify these factors, and a lawyer can ensure your insurer treats you fairly.
Buying insurance, choosing the right deductible and amount of coverage, and understanding the claims process can be complicated on your own. A Florida homeowner insurance lawyer can guide you through each of these processes. They can also clarify if your homeowners insurance will go up if you file a roof claim. Most law firms review your claim for free and help you make the best decision for you.
Roof Damage Can Be a Costly Insurance Claim for Florida Homeowners
Repairing or replacing a damaged roof can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Florida homeowners know how often a roof can sustain serious damage from hurricanes and other natural disasters. Wear and tear and shingle deterioration can also lead to costly roof repair claims. The following factors may impact your insurance rates:
- History of claims: Every claim you make and its costs (possibly minus your deductible) remain part of your insurance record. Your insurance company will consider how many claims you have filed (roof and otherwise) when assessing your annual premium. Ask your insurance agent or review your policy guidelines to find out how long a claim stays on your record.
- The extent of damage and repair costs: The cost and severity of your roof damage could also play a role in your homeowners insurance rates. A small, single claim (like replacing a few damaged shingles) will likely not impact your coverage as much as a large claim (like a total roof replacement). A small enough repair (one that costs less than your deductible) may not even necessitate filing a claim.
You purchased homeowners’ insurance for a reason, so do not hesitate to use it when you need it. A local home insurance claim attorney can help you mitigate a claim’s impact if needed.
Explore Your Homeowners’ Insurance Policy for Claim Forgiveness
If your insurance company offers it, you might benefit from claim forgiveness. This perk means making a roof (or any other) claim does not impact your premium. Even if your insurer offers it, it may not automatically apply.
When filing a claim, ask if claim forgiveness is a possibility. Your homeowners insurance company may also limit the number of times you can leverage the benefits of its claim forgiveness policy.
Factors That Influence the Cost of Insurance Homeowners Insurance Premiums
How much you pay to insure your home can vary greatly from one insurance company to another. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), various factors can affect how an insurance carrier values your property and assesses your premium.
Increasing Your Deductible Can Lower Your Premium
The deductible on your homeowners policy is not optional, but you have a say in its amount. In general, the higher your deductible is, the lower your premium will be. Depending on your property’s location, your insurance company may request a specialized type of deductible, such as a windstorm or hurricane deductible.
Consider Bundling Coverage to Increase Potential Discounts
Most homeowners have additional insurance needs beyond their homeowners coverage. By purchasing home, auto, life, and other insurance products from the same company, you could receive a combined rate that lowers your premiums.
Maintain and Reinforce Your Roof as Much as Possible
Keep your roof and gutters clean and free of debris. Reinforce your roof or consider opting for premium roofing materials. These options can lead to stronger roof support and storm resistance. Telling your insurance company you have made these improvements could lower your premium.
Maintain Your Credit Rating and a Steady Relationship With Your Insurer
A strong credit score can keep your homeowners insurance costs down. So can long-term loyalty to an insurance company, which could allow you to reap discounts and other benefits.
A Home Insurance Claims Attorney Can Mange Your Roof Damage Claim
Roof damage can have various causes, including fire, vandalism, storm damage, hail damage, or a hurricane. The cause of your roof damage will determine the type of claim you file. A Florida roof leaks and property damage lawyer can help you file the right type of claim under the appropriate policy.
Additional benefits of letting a lawyer handle your roof-related claim include their abilities to:
- Handle calls, emails, and other communication
- Provide evidence and information upon request
- Fight hard to maximize your financial recovery
- Ensure you secure and protect your property
- Clarify your rights as a Florida homeowner
Your insurance claims attorney can also help you meet the filing deadline, according to Florida Statutes § 627.7142, and the filing deadline outlined in your policy.
What You Need to Know About the Claim Filing Process
Filing a property damage insurance claim can be a challenging experience. With legal support, you can effectively handle each of the following steps:
- Report the damage to your insurance provider
- Take pictures and videos of the roof’s condition
- Tarp and secure your roof to protect your dwelling
- Accompany the claims adjuster to the property inspection
- Enter the negotiation phase of the claims process
You do not have to take on the insurance company or negotiate with the adjuster on your own. A Florida property damage lawyer can manage all the moving parts of your roof claim so you can take care of yourself and your family.
Get Help With Your Roof Damage Claim
If you file a roof damage claim, you may be concerned about whether your homeowners insurance will go up. At GED Lawyers, we can help you understand all the ins and outs of filing a claim and how your premiums might be impacted.
Learn more about working with our client-focused, results-driven law firm on your roof damage claim. Contact one of our consultation team members to get started with a free evaluation of your roof damage claim.