When some people age, their hip joints wear down, and they can experience pain, discomfort, and stiffness in one or both hip joints. When physical therapy, exercise, stretching, or medication is no longer enough to solve the issue, medical professionals can recommend hip replacement surgery. For many people, hip replacements are a godsend, as they free patients from pain and limitations. However, for some people with Wright Conserve hip replacement joints, the pain and suffering was only beginning.
If you suffered injuries and losses due to a Wright Conserve hip replacement, you should not wait to speak with a Boca Raton product liability lawyer who handles defective medical device cases.
The Problem with Wright Conserve Implants
Wright manufactured different types of metal-on-metal replacement hip joints, including the Conserve model. These joints aim to mimic the ball-and-socket hip joint as naturally as possible, and they are constructed from metals such as cobalt or chromium for both parts of the joint. The replacement ball is implanted on top of the thigh bone, and the cup is mounted on the hip bone over the metal ball.
Ever since metal-on-metal hip replacements entered the market, there have been a number of issues. When there is friction created between the metal ball and metal cup, microscopic pieces of metal can flake off and enter your system. This can cause metallosis, which is a form of metal poisoning that can have serious effects. Other patients also had dangerously high levels of cobalt in their blood.
Some reported effects of high cobalt levels or metallosis include:
- Groin pain
- Anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems
- Cardiomyopathy
- Visual impairment
- Cognitive impairment
- Nerve issues
- Tinnitus or hearing loss
- Blood thickening
- Thyroid issues
- Memory loss
- Headaches
- Vertigo
- Rashes
- Shortness of breath
Many people needed additional treatment for these conditions, in addition to a second hip replacement to replace the metal-on-metal joint.
Furthermore, the metal buildup can cause the joints to fail prematurely. The joints can also result in tissue or bone damage, infection, and other serious conditions. The average patient with this type of hip replacement needed revision surgery within four to five years of the initial replacement.
Seeking Compensation
If your Wright Conserve hip replacement failed or caused other serious health problems, you might be eligible to receive compensation for your losses. These can include:
- Medical expenses for additional surgeries or treatment
- Lost income for time missed from work
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of enjoyment of life
There are many people who have already sought and received compensation for their losses due to metal-on-metal hip replacements, so you should not wait to discuss a possible claim with a products liability lawyer.
Speak with Our Wright Conserve Hip Replacement Lawsuit Lawyers
At Ged Lawyers, LLP, our legal team stands up for the rights of patients and consumers who suffer preventable injuries due to defective medical devices or other products. Contact us for a free consultation and case evaluation, and we can assess your legal right and options.